What is Push Back Racking?

What is Push Back Racking?

Push back racking is a type of high-density storage that maximizes the use of available space by allowing multiple pallets to be stored in a single bay. It is a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) storage system, which means that the last pallet loaded into the rack will be the first to be retrieved.

In a push back racking system, pallets are loaded onto a series of nested carts or trays, which are mounted on inclined rails. Each tray is connected to the one behind it by a series of rollers, allowing for easy movement of the trays. As each pallet is loaded onto the system, it pushes the carts or trays behind it along the rails, making room for the next pallet to be loaded.

When a pallet needs to be retrieved from a push back racking system, the operator uses a forklift to push the pallets behind it towards the front of the rack. The pallets then roll down the inclined rails and can be easily accessed by the forklift.

Push back racking offers many advantages over traditional storage methods. For one, it allows for a high-density storage solution that can save valuable floor space in a warehouse. Additionally, push back racking is a more efficient storage option because it enables employees to load and unload multiple pallets at once, increasing productivity and reducing operating costs.

Another benefit of push back racking is that it eliminates the need for specialized forklifts or equipment. Since the racks are inclined and the pallets roll along the rails, standard forklifts can be used to load and unload pallets.

However, it is important to note that push back racking may not be the best choice for all storage needs. For example, if products have a very short shelf life or if there is a high degree of SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) variability, push back racking may not be optimal. It is always important to consult a materials handling professional to determine the best storage solution for your specific needs.

In conclusion, push back racking is an efficient and space-saving storage solution that can increase productivity and reduce operating costs. Its benefits make it an attractive option for many warehouses and storage facilities, although it may not be the best fit for every situation. As always, it is best to consult a materials handling expert to determine the ideal storage system for your business.
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